The Entrepreneurial School Awards is a JA Europe initiative supported by SIEMENS

On 7 November, the TES Awards took place in Vienna as part of the European Vocational Skills Week. For the fourth edition of the Entrepreneurial School Awards, 17 innovative (academic and vocational) schools from across Europe have been selected at national level for their cutting-edge vision and outstanding implementation of entrepreneurship education programmes. Headmasters and teachers gathered in Vienna on 7-8 November for the TES Awards ceremony hosted by Siemens.

“If we want to prepare youth for the future of jobs, we need to ensure they are equipped with the right skills today. Schools, teachers and families therefore have an essential role to play in fostering not only their academic skills but their soft/entrepreneurial skills as well, with a strong focus on practical experiences. Next century schools will definitely look like the Entrepreneurial School awardees,” said Caroline Jenner, CEO, JA Europe.

The schools have been assessed at national level by special committees composed of JA national offices and their national education authorities. They scored the highest in their countries against key indicators promoting the sustainability of entrepreneurship education: the quality of the school’s strategy, the allocation of appropriate resource, the existence of relevant teacher training, the engagement of local and business communities, and the extent of the school’s best practice network.

“A proper education is the key for young people to get to know themselves, their strengths and interests. Therefore, we make sure to provide and help our employees to develop their professional and personal skills and offer young people, especially apprentices, the education which suits their individual background;” concluded Wolfgang Hesoun, CEO Siemens Austria.

According to Flash Eurobarometer 466 (May 2018) “A majority of young Europeans think that increasing the teaching of creativity or critical thinking in schools or universities would be useful.” In that perspective, the European Commission is advancing work to build a European Education Area by 2025. The Entrepreneurial School Awards intends to contribute to this effort, notably by supporting Member States in improving innovation-driven education and training systems.

The Entrepreneurial School Awards is a JA Europe initiative supported by SIEMENS
The Entrepreneurial School Awards 2018
1. Austria – Hak has feldkirch
2. Czech Republic – OA, SOŠ a JŠ Hradec Králové
3. Denmark – Niels Brock
4. Estonia – Kuressaare Ametikool
5. Finland – Kristinestads högstadieskola
6. Georgia – Progress
7. Germany – Franziskus Gymnasium Nonnenwerth
8. Greece – Pierce American College
9. Latvia – Riga State Gymnasium No.3
10. Lithuania – Kaunas Versvu Gymnasium
11. Luxembourg – Lycée Ermesinde
12. Norway – Lier Upper Secondary School
13. Romania – Marmația Technological High School
14. Russia – Bolgar School No.2
15. Slovakia – Secondary grammar school of St. Thomas Aquinas
16. Switzerland – Akzent Entrepreneurship of Kantonsschule Hottingen
17. United Kingdom – Hendon School

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